Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nokia coming with windows phone

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Nokia is coming with windows phone , but where will be symbian.??

Nokia didn't announce any new product at their
press conference that took place tonight at MWC.
The CEO of the company, Stephen Elop, talked
about the future of Nokia, what were the
reasons behind choosing Windows Phone 7 as
the main OS for Nokia's future devices.

According to Elop, "Windows Phone 7 creates a
very different dynamic. Windows Phone is a
challenger. It becomes a three-horse race." What
he means is that with the help of Nokia, WP7 will
become an equally strong player as Google's
Android and Apple's iOS. He also said, that despite Nokia is paying
Microsoft to use the Windows Phone 7 platform,
they are still going to be able to reduce their
operating expenses, since they are not internally
developing the software. Another reason to go for Windows Phone 7 is
that Nokia doesn't want to get its name lost in
the gray forest of Android devices, which share
almost the same hardware. Differentiating from
those devices will ensure that all Nokia Windows
Phone 7 phones will be "great products". Are we the only ones that don't quite get the
logic here? They are trying to cut budget by
buying externally developed phone software,
instead of using the free Android. They also find
the varied Android phone portfolio too
conforming so they go for the WP7 scene where you can't quite catch any hardware difference
among the available devices.

Secondly, and rather interestingly, stepping in the
shoes of Windows Phone 7, doesn't mean that
Nokia will give up on Symbian products. The
company is going to make significant short-term
investments both in hardware and software for
the upcoming Symbian running devices.


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