- Following a whirlwind week and a half of product announcements, you can throw Twitter's attempts to
differentiate itself as an "information network" out the
window -- there is little doubt the company is now
entrenched in serious competition with Facebook for the
much grander social networking crown. After announcing that it would finally be bringing native
photo and video sharing to its service on June 1, Twitter's
biggest product win to-date came on Tuesday, when Apple
announced that iOS 5 would include deep Twitter integration.
Application developers will also be able to add this type of
functionality to their iOS applications, further accelerating the
impact of the partnership. In summarizing the significance of that, my Mashable
colleague Jennifer Van Grove wrote , "[Twitter] will soon be the social layer of iOS, enabling users to turn individual actions
such as snapping a photo or reading an article into instant
social activities." For Facebook, who has long positioned itself as the social
graph of the Web (and in turn mobile), that's a big blow. Sure, application developers can still build Facebook
integration into their iOS apps, but by making Twitter the
default in apps like Camera, Safari and YouTube, Apple has
dictated where millions of pieces of content will invariably
flow. At the same time, by adding native photo and video sharing
and moving people over to its own Web and client
experiences, Twitter is positioned like never before to
capitalize on that content and keep people on its site, and in
turn challenge Facebook where it dominates like no other:
Engagement. At the start of this year, Hitwise reported that the average Facebook user spends an impressive four hours and 35
minutes per month on the site, more than any other property
on the Web, and more than double the average Twitter user's
monthly two hours and 12 minutes. But now that Twitter is turning itself into a social network,
that could soon change. Instead of creating and consuming
photos and videos on third-party sites -- something that's
already hugely popular on Twitter and is Facebook's No. 1
time sink -- users will be doing it on Twitter.com. Add to that the fact that Twitter now owns the most popular
third-party client (TweetDeck) and has been systematically
eating away at the ecosystem it enabled, and the numbers
quickly add up. The icing on the cake, of course, is the iOS tie-up, which for
now gives Twitter priority seating over Facebook with tens
of millions of highly engaged mobile users. Granted, Facebook could also do a deal with Apple before iOS
5 rolls out this fall, but it's unclear what kind of relationship
those companies have following last year's contentious split
over Ping. For the moment, Twitter's iOS win is a symbolic victory over
Facebook that signals the company's growing ambitions as a
social network. In the long-run, however, it could very much be the
partnership that helps move Twitter from Facebook's distant
cousin to its arch rival.
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